The Hidden Costs Of Unmanaged Cloud Migration

Migrating the IT infrastructure of your business to the cloud can prove to be highly beneficial, a sort of metaphorical great leap towards operational efficiency, business growth, and greater returns.

However, this anticipated cloud cost-saving migration can easily turn disastrous if improperly managed, resulting in additional costs and wastage of resources. Understanding the intricate, true hidden cost of unmanaged cloud migration is essential for smoothly migrating your essential data, assets, and other intellectual property.

Strategizing the scope of migration

The first order of business is for your organization to come up with an effective strategy to decide on the scope of migration i.e. finalize the data that is required to be migrated. This enables your company to gain visibility on the volume of data that needs to be migrated.

In addition, this will help you avoid duplicating the same information, and prevent the migration of redundant data. Spending time and resources in identifying duplicate or unrequited data can, in fact, drive up the average cost of cloud migration.

Without an effective strategy, this duplicate and unrequited data can consume more storage space than desired. This even results in substantially increasing not just the cost of storage fees but also the efforts spent on maintenance, cleaning, and streamlining the data to a cloud environment.

All things considered, the time set aside for strategizing the scope of migration can surprisingly help you save on the cost of cloud migration to a company.

Scope of migration

Impact of Broken Links on Productivity

During the migration process, it’s likely that documents will lose hyperlinks connecting them to critical landing pages such as relevant spreadsheets, presentations, etc. These broken links can create a domino effect of decreasing productivity.

This can even render months of work encapsulated in the documents pointless, resulting in wasted time and effort. The domino effect of this impacts staffs as well, creating confusion and frustration among the employees to fix or recreate the broken links.

In addition, the areas that do generate revenue end up taking a backseat as failure to access hyperlinks decreases the efficiency with which business from the clients is managed and completed. Therefore, a failure to have a hyperlink migration solution can escalate the average cost of cloud migration.

In such scenarios, a step that was envisaged to be one of the cloud migration success stories turns into a time-consuming and expensive process.

Broken links

Data Verification and Compatibility

Another area where strategic planning will prove to be helpful is in understanding the compatibility of various software and applications with the cloud environment that the company is migrating into.

Examining this compatibility prior to migration is imperative to avoid the additional cost of buying new software. It also enables you to avoid tailoring the existing tools and applications that are already functional in the new cloud platform.

Dissonance in the compatibility of a company’s current IT infrastructure with cloud could affect the integrity of data as well. It can, in fact, cause hindrances in the complete data flow, adding to the overall cost of migration.

Importance of Cloud Management Partner and Best Practices

A cloud migration partner can help you avoid this costly mistake and ensure that there is a seamless transition to cloud. While handling the migration on your own can help your company gain great business learning experience, the lessons from such experiences can conversely generate unnecessary expenses.

An experienced cloud migration partner will help you guide through all the unforeseeable problems, enabling you to focus your time and resources on essential tasks. Experienced cloud migration partners are typically well-versed with cloud migration best practices, which aid in avoiding hidden costs of unmanaged cloud migration.

These best practices include comprehensive examinations of present IT infrastructure, cross-referencing data linkages and strategizing the scope of migration. Including a cloud migration partner in your transition to the cloud will ensure that your company evades the potential hidden costs and quickly narrows down the areas that can create compatibility and data integration issues.

Although partnering with a cloud migration vendor might seem to be an additional cost, it’s crucial to remember that this represents a long-term investment when you see that your business has successfully achieved a cloud migration without overspending.

Turning to a cloud migration partner can lead to seamless execution, adding your company’s transition to cloud among many successful cloud migration business cases.


The hidden cost of unmanaged cloud migration can turn transition to cloud into a bitter experience. These unexpected additional costs sneaking up on you can be avoided by following cloud migration best practices, involving an experienced cloud migration partner, and by drawing lessons from cloud migration business cases.

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