1. Introduction

Businesses planning to migrate Google Drive to OneDrive for Business need to transfer files/folders in high volume, migrate all sharing permissions, retain timestamps, and update incremental changes.

business migration requirements

In short, migrating company data is sort of complex and, at times, can be challenging.

With CloudFuze’s migration platform, enterprises and SMBs can have even their most sensitive data effortlessly migrated from Google Drive to OneDrive for Business.

2. Migrate Google Drive to OneDrive for Business With CloudFuze

Here’s a brief look at how CloudFuze helps enterprises and SMBs worldwide with Google Drive to OneDrive for Business migration.

If you don’t have the time to read the entire guide, directly contact our migration team and share your questions and migration needs. Or simply watch the migration video:

CloudFuze is a cloud data migration platform designed to migrate terabytes and petabytes of company data from source cloud to destination cloud, which, in this case, is Google Drive to OneDrive for Business.

CloudFuze is designed with extensive focus on business migrations (especially enterprise migrations) that include requirements such as non-disruptive migration, highly secure migration, non-slowing high-volume data migration, delta migration (for transferring incremental changes), and many more.

Google Drive to OneDrive for Business migration with CloudFuze

With CloudFuze’s managed migration service, you can have your company’s data (regardless of size) migrated without you or your IT team having to do the heavy lifting. Our managed migration team helps companies of all sizes migrate Google Drive to OneDrive for Business in a seamless and secure way while tackling all the technical challenges.

Leave the migration work to CloudFuze and continue with your company’s everyday operations – it is that simple!

3. Why Use CloudFuze to Migrate Data From Google Drive to OneDrive for Business?

Enterprise cloud data is a lot different from consumer data. Typical cloud data of businesses consists not only of files but also users. Therefore, along with files, businesses need to migrate users, folder structure, and even user/file permissions.

To successfully do this, a third-party Google Drive to OneDrive migration tool like CloudFuze X-Change plays a crucial role.

CloudFuze helps your business or organization migrate from Google Drive to OneDrive for Business while preserving all the important aspects of the data.

CloudFuze's migration features

4. CloudFuze’s Solution to Google Drive to OneDrive for Business Migration Challenges

Almost all companies face certain challenges when it comes to migrating data from Google Drive to OneDrive for Business.

  • Firstly, the sheer size of company data itself can pose a major challenge.
  • Secondly, the differences in the features/tools between Google Drive and OneDrive for Business can create complex technical challenges.

But at CloudFuze, we have got your company covered with our industry-leading tool and proven methodologies that have created migration success stories for prestigious organizations worldwide. Our team has the insights and expertise to make your organization’s Google Drive to OneDrive Business migration seamless and secure.

Google Drive to OneDrive for Business migration challenges CloudFuze’s solutions
Terabytes/petabytes of company data to migrate. CloudFuze can migrate terabytes and petabytes of company data in batches to mitigate complexity.
Company data is highly sensitive to be migrated in a public/shared server. CloudFuze uses OAuth 2.0 authentication and REST API calls – two of the most secure protocols. It can also be deployed in the customer’s own cloud, VM, or data center.
Migrating Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc created in Google Drive. CloudFuze migrates all Google files as respective Microsoft files.
Unsupported characters and file/folder names in OneDrive for Business. CloudFuze automatically renames unsupported characters and file/folder names to comply with OneDrive’s restrictions.
Exceeding 400 characters file path length in OneDrive for Business. CloudFuze trims long file paths to 350 characters.
Migration throttling at source or destination cloud. CloudFuze’s re-try mechanism will resume migration after complying with the waiting period specified at the source or destination cloud.
Certain files not migrated. CloudFuze’s auto-try mechanism will re-initiate migration for any file that has gone into conflict.
Updating incremental changes made at the source cloud during migration. CloudFuze offers delta migration as per the customer’s needs to sync the incremental changes.

Transfer Data from Google Drive to OneDrive Securely and Flawlessly

With our migration solutions, your team can migrate your company’s entire users and data in Google Drive to OneDrive while maintaining a high level of security. We can tailor our migration solutions to your company’s specific migration use case.

5. Steps to Transfer Files From Google Drive to OneDrive for Business

Firstly, you need to create a CloudFuze account to access CloudFuze’s cloud file transfer web app. You can submit your migration requirement details or may choose one of CloudFuze’s competitive price plans to get started.

Alternatively, you may sign up for the free trial to test the service. If you are planning to migrate data from Google Drive to OneDrive for Business, we recommend getting in touch with us for a smooth and hassle-free managed migration.

Here are the steps to migrate Google Drive to OneDrive for Business with CloudFuze.

Step 1: Create a CloudFuze Account

Go to CloudFuze’s webapp and create an account. CloudFuze offers a free trial for users who wish to test and see how the app works.


Step 2: Add the Google Drive Cloud

CloudFuze needs your clouds to be added to facilitate Google Drive to OneDrive for Business migration.

As a part of it, click on the Google Drive logo from the “Business Clouds” list.

Add Google My Drive

Step 3: Enter Google Workspace Admin Login Credentials

Now, enter Google Workspace admin login credentials and click on the “Next” button.

Log into Google Workspace

Step 4: Provide Account Access to CloudFuze

Click on the “Allow” button to complete the cloud addition process.

Note: CloudFuze X-Change can’t save your data or passwords as we use the OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol. Read more about CloudFuze’s security.

Allow Google Drive access

Step 5: Now, Add the OneDrive for Business Cloud

Click on the OneDrive for Business logo that you see in the “Business Clouds” list. A pop-up will then open where you need to enter OneDrive for Business account details.

Add OneDrive for Business

Step 6: Authorize OneDrive for Business Account

Enter Microsoft 365 admin login details and authorize the cloud.

Authorize OneDrive for Business Account

Step 7: Provide Access to CloudFuze

Click on the “Allow” button to give CloudFuze the required access. CloudFuze requires access to map users and data for migration.

Provide Access to CloudFuze

Step 8: Verify the Cloud Addition Process

Click on the “Clouds” icon in the web app’s navigation menu and then go the “Manage Clouds” tab. You should be able to see both Google Drive and OneDrive for Business accounts added here.

Verify Cloud Addition Process

Step 9: Start the Migration Process

Click on the “Teams Migration” icon in the menu. In the next few steps, you need to choose a few migration options.

Start the Migration Process

Step 10: Configure the Source and Destination Clouds

Choose Google Drive as the source and OneDrive for Business as the destination cloud to migrate Google Drive to OneDrive for Business and not the opposite way.

Choose Source and Destination Accounts

Step 11: Map the Users

CloudFuze has a built-in auto-mapping feature that automatically matches source and destination users based on their email aliases.

Select the users that you want to migrate and click on the “Next” button. Alternatively, you can use the CSV method for custom mapping and to transfer files from Google Drive to OneDrive for Business.

Map the Users

Step 12: Select Users

Now, select all the users that you want to migrate from Google Drive to OneDrive for Business.

For the demo purpose, we chose only one user for data migration.

Select Users

Step 13: Choose Migration Job Name and Others

In this page, you can select a few options such as naming the migration job, migration type, additional email notifications, etc. Configure all of them and click on the “Next” button.

Choose Migration Job Name and Others

Step 14: Initiate the Migration

Preview the migration choices and then click on the “Start Migration” button.

Initiate the Migration

Step 15: File Transfer is in Progress

In-Progress” status indicates that the file transfer process is currently going on. You can pause the migration or cancel it altogether if you want by clicking on the “Pause” or “Cancel” icons.

File Transfer Is in Progress

Step 16: Migration Has Been Completed

Once all the files are migrated, the status will be changed to “Completed” and “Processed.”

Migration Has Been Completed

These steps will transfer files from Google Drive to OneDrive for Business.

6. Google Drive to OneDrive for Business Migration FAQ

1. Since OneDrive does not support Google files, how will they be transferred?

CloudFuze transfers Google files as respective Microsoft files to OneDrive for Business. For example, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Docs will be transferred as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Word documents.

2. How are comments transferred from Google Drive to OneDrive for Business?

CloudFuze transfers comments from the source cloud (Google Drive) to the destination cloud (OneDrive for Business) via CSV files.

3. Which file timestamp to migrate: created time or modified time?

Depending on your company’s requirement, you can choose the creation timestamp or modification timestamp when migrating with CloudFuze.

4. Is it better to move or copy files from Google Drive to OneDrive for Business?

There are several benefits to copying files than moving them. With a copy-and-paste action, your company can migrate Google Drive to OneDrive for Business while resuming everyday operations. Also, copying files helps you cross-check partial or entire data after the migration is finished.

5. What to do if the API rate throttles during the migration?

The larger the data size, the higher the odds of the API transfer rate throttling. In most cases, it’s the cloud service provider that throttles the transfer rate due to high volume data transfer.

Therefore, it’s important to abide by the waiting time that the cloud service provider sets. CloudFuze’s re-try mechanism will reinitiate the migration after the waiting time is over.

6. Which permission to migrate to OneDrive: Root folder or sub-folder permissions?

With CloudFuze, you can migrate root folder as well as sub-folder permissions to OneDrive for Business. This essentially means that root folder files as well as sub folder files’ permissions will be migrated.

7. What is the safest way to migrate data from Google Drive to OneDrive for Business?

CloudFuze, by default, offers a highly safe Google Drive to OneDrive for Business migration. It uses REST API calls and, therefore doesn’t have access to the actual data of your company. Also, by using the OAuth 2.0 protocol, CloudFuze does not have access to your company’s user account credentials.

With CloudFuze, you also have the option to download the migration platform as a standalone program and run it in your company’s data center.

8. Will working at the source cloud during the migration not have any negative effect?

No. CloudFuze performs the entire data migration in the background to make it simple and hassle-free for your company to work on the source cloud while the migration is in progress. No data will be affected when working at the source cloud during CloudFuze’s migration.

9. What are some of the factors to consider before starting the migration?

The most important factor to consider is to do as much proactive work as you can prior to starting the migration. This is because getting everything right and initiating the migration will ensure hassle-free project completion rather than identifying loopholes during the migration and doing reactive work.

10. How to prepare company employees to work in the new cloud suite?

Prior to completely switching from Google Workspace to Microsoft 365 for Business (G Suite to Office 365), it’s best to provide employees with a basic level of training. Also, it’s important that all the employees log into their new Microsoft 365 accounts to activate their accounts.

Start Migrating Today

Leverage our one-stop solution to securely migrate to Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and between other leading clouds. Our solutions are ready to tackle migrations of all sizes and complexities!

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