All vs Selective Way of Transferring Dropbox Files to Google Drive

If your company has been using Dropbox and is considering migrating to Google Drive, you must decide whether to migrate your data entirely or selectively. Whether you are an SMB or a large enterprise looking to switch to a new cloud storage service, understanding the different migration options can help you save time and avoid potential issues.

In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of each approach to help you make an informed decision during Dropbox migration to Google Drive.

Migrating Entire Data from Dropbox to Google Drive

  • Business-focused benefits
  • Complete data replication and backup
  • Less risk of losing data
  • No data dependencies

Complete Data Replication and Backup

By migrating all your source data, you can replicate it exactly in the destination cloud and create a complete backup of all your files in one place, making it easier to access and manage them. Organizations can achieve this by utilizing a reliable data migration tool like CloudFuze that enables migrating all the source (Dropbox) data to the destination cloud (Google Drive).


When you migrate all your data, your IT team does not have to spend extra time segregating files and folders to migrate and ones to skip or archive in Dropbox post-migration. Instead, you can access all your files and folders in one place, saving you a lot of time and effort.

Reduced Risk of Losing Data

When you selectively migrate only certain files or folders, there is always a risk of losing important files that you may need to remember to migrate. By migrating all your source data, you reduce the risk of losing important files, thereby eliminating any adverse business impact.

No Data Dependency Issues

When your internal IT team plans to transfer files from Dropbox to Google Drive entirely, there are no data dependency issues while trying to access data. But if your team migrates only specific files, it could cause data gaps and dependencies that hinder easier data retrieval.

Overcoming the Cons

Migrating data entirely from one cloud platform to another can be time-consuming, costly and put a significant load on the server, which may lead to slow response times or system crashes. Additionally, migrating large amounts of data may require additional storage space in the destination cloud service. API throttling errors can also occur when transferring high volumes of data.

But your IT team can overcome these shortcomings associated with migrating the source data entirely to the destination cloud through data migration tools like CloudFuze. CloudFuze implements measures such as a phased migration approach that splits the entire data into batches reducing the server load and API throttling errors.

Migrating Selective Data from Dropbox to Google Drive

  • Business-focused benefits
  • Time-Saving
  • Reduced storage
  • Better data organization and improved collaboration
  • Quicker data access


Migrating only the necessary files can save time and resources compared to migrating all data. This can be especially beneficial for organizations with a limited migration timeframe for performing a time-efficient Dropbox migration to Google Drive.

Reduced Storage

By migrating only the necessary files, organizations can reduce their storage requirements and potentially save on storage costs. This is particularly beneficial if the destination cloud service has less storage capacity than the source cloud service.

Better Data Organization and Improved Collaboration

Transferring only selective data allows organizations to better organize and categorize their data in the destination cloud service. This can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of data management and retrieval and facilitate easier collaboration and sharing of files.

Quicker Data Access

Selectively migrating data can lead to quicker data access for users, as they only need to search through limited and relevant files in the destination cloud service. This can improve productivity, as users can promptly find and work with the files they need.

Overcoming the Cons

Selective data migration during Dropbox to Google Drive migration can increase the risk of losing important files, lead to an incomplete backup, and cause file conflicts.
But leveraging a competent cloud data migration tool like CloudFuze helps overcome these issues through measures like the granular selection of user data and performing a thorough pre-migration assessment.
Before kickstarting data migration, it is essential to plan and strategize on whether your company wants to migrate data from Dropbox to Google Drive completely or partially based on your business needs.
CloudFuze is one of the leading cloud data migration tools capable of transferring all or selective data from Dropbox to Google Drive (and other cloud combinations).

Reach out to our migration team to know more.

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