Manual vs. Tool: Migrate Content from Amazon WorkDocs to OneDrive

There are two ways to migrate content from Amazon WorkDocs to OneDrive – manually or using a third-party cloud migration tool. To choose between them, it is best to know the pros and cons of both approaches.

We have provided insights on manual and tool-based options for transferring files and folders from Amazon WorkDocs to OneDrive.

Manual Approach to Transfer Data from Amazon WorkDocs to OneDrive

Manual migration means downloading files from Amazon WorkDocs and then uploading them to OneDrive. If you’re migrating fewer file folders, manual migration may work, although it is highly time-consuming. Here are the steps:

Steps involved are:

  • Begin with a thorough review of content to be migrated from Amazon WorkDocs.
  • Find and delete unwanted files.
  • To avoid data loss, back up before transferring.

Downloading Files from WorkDocs on Amazon:

  • Log in to your Amazon WorkDocs account using a web browser.
  • Check the files and folders to be migrated.
  • After making your selections, start the download to a local storage place.

Uploading Files to OneDrive:

  • Use a web browser to access your OneDrive account.
  • Create the required files folders in OneDrive to replicate the old structure.
  • To move files from local storage to OneDrive, use the option of ‘Upload’.

The manual approach of migrating files from Amazon WorkDocs to OneDrive is budget-friendly and requires no special tool. You have complete control over the migrating data, so you can select which files to transfer.

However, manual methods turn out to be complex and unmanageable for large file folder hierarchies. Also, manual errors can occur, and it is quite challenging to maintain metadata like permissions along with version history during transfer.

Tool Method for Migrating Data from Amazon WorkDocs to OneDrive

With an advanced and high-performance migration tool, you can overcome all the limitations of manually transferring data from Amazon WorkDocs to OneDrive. You do not have to spend time and engage internal resources in building and fine-tuning an in-house tool.

Pick a tool that satisfies your company’s requirements when migrating files from Amazon WorkDocs to OneDrive. Follow the steps to choose the best migration tool:

Step 1: Schedule a call with the migration vendor and convey your migration needs.

Step 2: Get a demonstration to learn further.

Step 3: Test with a pilot batch for the demo sessions.

Step 4: Validate the demo and check the tool’s accuracy.

CloudFuze is a robust cloud migration tool that offers full migration capabilities to ensure a successful Amazon WorkDocs to OneDrive transfer.

Advantages of using our tool are:

  • High-speed, secure transfer of TBs and PBs of enterprise data
  • Accurate preservation of timestamps, file-versions
  • Transferring sharing permissions of root and inner folders
  • Migrating the embedded links in files without breaking them
  • Consistent performance through optimal migration throughput
  • Ease of post-migration integration

Manual Migration Vs. CloudFuze for Migrating from Amazon WorkDocs to OneDrive

Key Migration Aspects Manual Migration CloudFuze Tool
Automated File Transfer No Yes
Folder Structure Preservation No Yes
Automatic Permission Mapping No Yes
Timestamp Preservation No Yes
Embedded Links Preservation No Yes
Special Character Replacement No Yes
Scalability for Large-Scale Migrations No Yes
Shared Links No Yes
Delta Migration Support No Yes
One Time Migration No Yes
Versions No Yes
Root Folder Permissions No Yes
Sub Folder Permissions No Yes
Root File Permissions No Yes
Long Folder Path No Yes
External Shares No Yes

Migrate Seamlessly from Amazon WorkDocs to OneDrive with CloudFuze

Contact us to request a free demo to migrate Amazon WorkDocs to OneDrive securely and risk-free.

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