Move Dropbox to OneDrive in the UK with GDPR Compliance

When it comes to moving Dropbox users and data to OneDrive in the UK, GDPR is one of the most important security aspects to prioritize. By adhering to GDPR’s data localization regulations, you can safeguard your business during the entire transition period. And to be able to ensure complete compliance, working with a security-focused migration solutions provider is critical.

Adhere to GDPR When Moving from Dropbox to OneDrive with CloudFuze

At CloudFuze, we make the process of adhering to UK GDPR seamless when migrating user accounts and their files and folders from Dropbox to OneDrive for businesses based out of the country.

We have enabled some of the largest corporations in the UK, including London Gatwick Airport, to perform smooth and secure migrations that comply with GDPR. Check out our Gatwick Airport case study here.

To adhere to GDPR, we allocate dedicated SaaS servers located in the UK region. This way, your organisation’s sensitive data does not leave the country’s boundaries. For large-scale Dropbox to OneDrive for Business migrations, we also create multiple instances to ensure maximum performance while maintaining a high level of security and compliance.

Learn more about GDPR compliance.

Availability of Dedicated Migration Managers and Team

If your organisation’s plan to move Dropbox to OneDrive is large and complicated to the extent that it requires dedicated teams, we can provide full support. With our managed migration (white glove service), your IT team gets complete handholding from our end.

We can also dedicate migrations managers and ensure their availability in the UK for in-person meetings during the migration planning and execution phases. This, in turn, can help you streamline the pre-migration stages and ensure a smooth start.

Check out more cloud migration security action items for UK-based cloud migrations.

UK Region-Specific Service Level Agreements

Our service level agreements for UK businesses are designed specifically to address all the unique challenges associated with the region, especially regarding UK GDPR. If required, we can also make changes to our SLAs to meet your business’s specific Dropbox to OneDrive migration needs.

For example, we can set up a dedicated help desk or ticketing systems specifically for your UK-based business. This way, your IT team and project managers can have a dedicated channel to access support from our migration team working on your migration project. Assigning specific points of contact, such as escalation point of contact, project coordinator, etc, is another such example.

Get more insights into streamlining the security aspect with our cloud data migration questionnaire for UK businesses.

Move Dropbox to OneDrive in the UK with CloudFuze

Join our fleet of UK businesses that have created migration success stories by successfully migrating from Dropbox to OneDrive with our industry leading solutions. Connect with our team for a free discussion or request a demo or POC.

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