Roadmap for ShareFile Migration to SharePoint Online

A clearly defined roadmap can help your company streamline the ShareFile migration to SharePoint Online. The processes in the roadmap ensure that your team does not go off-track in any stage of the data transfer process.

Here is a roadmap we have laid out that has helped many of our customers perform Citrix ShareFile migration to SharePoint Online successfully:

Pre-Migration Assessment

Understanding your company’s Citrix ShareFile environment is critical to planning the entire migration, regardless of the use case. Perform these vital checks during the pre-migration assessment:

  • Total number of user accounts
  • Admin privileges and configurations
  • Files and folders sharing structure
  • Total data size

Scope of Work Preparation

Once your team has gained insights from the pre-migration analysis, the next step is to prepare the migration scope. Include all of these in your company’s scope of work and finalize them for the migration:

  • Total users to migrate
  • Total files and folder size to migrate
  • Permissions and other metadata to migrate
  • The number of delta migrations needed

User Mapping and Batch Creation

Inaccuracy in one of the biggest challenges of transferring ShareFile to SharePoint Online. To mitigate this risk, make sure to map the user accounts accurately. You can use the industry standard CSV mapping method to point users and their shared data from Citrix ShareFile to specific SharePoint Online sites.

Make sure to use the correct syntax when creating the CSV mapping. And after mapping the users, validate them in our migration tool.

Next, divide the total number of users into several equal batches and migrate them one at a time. This approach helps lower API rate limiting risks.

One-Time and Delta Migration

After the mapping is good to go, perform the one-time migration of each user batch. Make sure to check the progress of the ongoing migration. Our tool has a dedicated Reports dashboard that displays several migration statuses, such as:

  • In Queue
  • In Progress
  • Processed
  • Completed

The final “Completed” status indicates that the migration process is completed.

Migration Validation

After the migration completion, perform the validation by checking the migration reports. We suggest validating every user batch as and when it gets migrated as opposed to validating all the migrated user batches in a single phase.

You can explore our Migration Reports guide to learn what parameters to check in a migration report to be able to validate the migrated users and data.

User Onboarding

Lastly, after validating the migration, onboard the users to SharePoint Online. However, ensure your team provides the users with proper training before the onboarding process. The training must guide the users to use all the primary functions, including team and communication sites, of SharePoint Online.

Perform a Successful ShareFile Migration to SharePoint Online

Leverage our world-class migration solution to enable your company to migrate ShareFile to SharePoint Online with maximum security and complete success.
Chat with our experts to request more information on how our tool can meet your company’s ShareFile migration needs. You can also schedule a free and no-obligation demo.

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