Pre-Migration Analysis for Switching from Egnyte to Google Drive

In the digital world, companies depend on cloud storage to share files, manage content, and collaborate. Egnyte and Google Drive are two well-known platforms that offer these services. But businesses might need to change from one to the other as their needs grow.

Switching from Egnyte to Google Drive requires planning, strategy and execution especially for organizations with large amounts of data and complex workflows. On average, a considerable amount of business data is redundant, obsolete or trivial (ROT) so a pre-migration analysis can save you storage costs and migration complexity.

In this guide, we will walk you through the key aspects of Egnyte to Google Workspace migration analysis to help you make informed decisions, minimize disruption and maximize the benefits of moving to Google Drive.

1. Assessing Your Current Egnyte Environment

Before you start the Egnyte to Google Drive migration process, you need to do a thorough analysis of your current Egnyte environment. This includes:

  • Data Volume: Calculate the total amount of data in Egnyte, files, folders, metadata and shared links. This will help you determine the storage space you need in Google Drive.
  • User Permissions: Review the current user roles, permissions and sharing settings. Egnyte has complex permission structures and you need to ensure these are mapped correctly to Google Drive.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Identify any third-party applications or integrations connected to Egnyte. Will these still be needed in Google Drive? If so, does Google Drive have native or third-party integrations to replace these functions.
  • Compliance and Security: For industries with strict regulatory requirements (healthcare or finance) you need to confirm Google Drive meets your compliance needs, HIPAA, GDPR or ISO 27001 standards.

2. Data Classification and Prioritization

Not all data needs to be migrated at once – or at all. A data classification and prioritization exercise will help your IT team decide what to switch from Egnyte to Google drive, archive or delete. Key steps are:

  • Critical vs Non-Critical Data: Identify critical data that needs to be available on Google Drive immediately after migration, versus non-critical data that can be archived or deleted.
  • Data Redundancy: Look for duplicate files or obsolete data that can be eliminated, reducing the migration workload and storage costs.
  • Retention Policies: Make sure your retention policies are aligned with business needs and legal requirements. Google Drive’s versioning and retention features will help you meet industry standards.

3. Understanding Google Drive Architecture

Before you transfer Egnyte to Google Drive, you need to understand how Google Drive’s structure and features compare to Egnyte. For example:

  • File Structure: Egnyte’s file structure is similar to on-premises storage systems. Google Drive has a similar folder structure but also has shared drives for team collaboration.
  • User Permissions: Both platforms have file and folder level permissions but Google Drive’s permissions are tightly integrated with Google Workspace, so you have more control over shared drives and individual files.
  • Collaboration Features: Google Drive is great for real-time collaboration especially when used with Google Workspace tools. Make sure your team is familiar with real-time editing, shared drives and version control.

4. Plan for Downtime and Business Continuity

Even with the best planning, the risk of downtime can lurk around, especially during complex migrations. The key is to minimize the impact when you move Egnyte to Google Drive. In your pre-migration analysis:

  • Migration Timing: Do the migration during off-peak hours to minimize disruption.
  • Have a Backup Plan: In case of delays, critical business functions can continue with access to key files.

This planning ensures that any temporary disruptions don’t result in long-term productivity loss for your team.

5. Third Party Tools for Data Migration

Manual migration of files from Egnyte to Google Drive can be tedious and error prone. Using a data migration tool can help automate the process and ensure files, permissions and metadata are transferred correctly.

  • Automated migration tools: Tools like CloudFuze X-Change and others automate the process by transferring large files, complex folder structures and permissions. They also provide real-time tracking and reporting to ensure data integrity during the migration process.
  • Custom Scripts: For businesses with special requirements, custom scripts can be created to automate parts of the migration process to ensure consistency and reduce human error.

6. Cost Analysis

Migrating to Google Drive may save you money in the long run but calculating and comparing the cost of third-party migration tools judiciously is important. Also, consider how Google Drive’s pricing structure may save costs in the long run.


  • Migration tool costs: Depending on the complexity you may need to use third-party tools to help with the migration like CloudFuze.
  • Training and support: Consider how much it will cost to educate the employees to utilize Google Drive and provide assistance during the transition to the new platform.

By conducting a pre-migration cost-benefit analysis, you can make informed decisions about the tools and services needed to migrate data from Egnyte to Google Drive as smooth and cost-effective as possible.

Our Expertize in Cloud Migrations

At CloudFuze, we provide end-to-end cloud migrations for businesses switching from Egnyte to Google Drive. We have years of experience in complex migrations and know both systems inside out so we can help you navigate the challenges.

From pre-migration analysis to migration plan, we will ensure your data moves safely and securely. Whether you need help with compliance, data mapping or user training we have a solution for you.


Switching from Egnyte to Google Drive is a smart move for businesses looking for better collaboration, cost savings and scalability. But it starts with pre-migration planning. By understanding your current environment, mapping your migration goals, classifying your data and understanding Google Drive’s architecture your IT team can migrate smoothly and with minimal disruption and maximum value.

Partnering with a cloud migration expert like us will make the process even smoother and get your business ready for cloud collaboration.

Switch with ease – contact us for a free migration plan tailored to your needs!

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