Sync New Users for Slack DMs Migration to Google Chat

Many organizations recognize the importance of performing Slack DMs (Direct Message) migration to Google Chat, along with channels, as a strategic move to streamline communications and enhance collaboration. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a tool that does the migration to new platform effortlessly.

However, one aspect is often overlooked in cloud chat migrations, including the migration from Slack to Google Chat, is the need for necessary changes after finalizing the migration scope of work. An example of one such aspect is the number of users to be migrated from Slack DMs to Google Chat.

As the number of users to be migrated increases, the migration process might experience delays or require a restart to ensure all users are migrated. However, at CloudFuze, our team is well-equipped to handle such issues and guarantees a seamless migration process.

Migrate Direct Messages from Slack to Google Chat

The process of migrating direct messages from Slack to Google Chat starts by adding the Slack and Google Chat cloud to our webapp/migration platform and completing actions step-by-step. Our migration team can help your IT team based on the specific requirements to migrate direct messages.

Sync New Users When Migrating Direct Messages from Slack to Google Chat

If your team needs to add more users after the Slack cloud is already authenticated to our tool, our new ‘Sync Users’ feature helps to update the exact number of new users without having to re-authenticate the Slack cloud. Your IT team can leverage this feature to minimize Slack to Google Chat migration challenges as well as save time and avoid any obstacles associated with the cloud migration process.

Let’s check out the process of syncing new users before migrating Slack direct messages-

  1. Sync User Feature – To sync all the new user accounts that you have added after authenticating the Slack cloud, you can click on the “Sync Users” button to have the new users listed along with the existing users.
    Sync User Feature
  2. Select the DM pairs to be migrated – In this step, select all the DM pairs between the users you want to migrate to Google Chat. By using the checkboxes, you can either select all or specific user pairs and click Start Migration to initiate the process of transferring the direct messages.Select the DM pairs to be migrated
  3. Monitor the Migration Process – As shown below, your IT team can track the status of migration as Slack DMs are transferred to Google Chat. The report page will display ‘In Progress’ while the migration is ongoing and ‘Completed’ once Slack direct messages to Google Chat are migrated. Monitor the Migration Process
    Migration Completed

Additionally, our migration experts will be available to provide post-migration support. Without affecting the daily work routine, your IT team can migrate DMs of Slack users to Google Chat.

Are you ready to migrate direct messages from Slack to Google Chat? You can partner with CloudFuze. We handle the complete migration process while keeping your team and all the stakeholders informed with our detailed migration reports. Connect with us now to discuss more about the latest features of our migration tool.

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