Streamline Large-Scale Migrations to Office 365 with CloudFuze

Performing a large-scale migration to Office 365 (now Microsoft 365) is a different ball game altogether. With a plethora of parameters involved, such as planning the scope of work, planning the timeline, mapping the users, migrating with accuracy, validation, etc, the migration can get complex.

The tried-and-true way to navigate through such complexities is to have a structured approach in planning and performing the migration of all user accounts and their data. Here are some of the actionable insights you can explore and implement in your company’s migration strategy.

Planning the Migration in Phases

Instead of taking a one-size-fits-all solution of planning the entire migration as a one-off project to be deployed in a single go, we recommend planning out in phases. This approach involves finalizing the total number of user accounts to migrate to Microsoft 365 and segregating them into several batches.

Let’s say you have 1000 users to migrate:

  • Depending on the migration infrastructure, you may migrate around 200 users in a single go
  • So, you can create 5 batches that accommodates 200 user accounts

This approach makes it seamless for your IT team to map, migrate, and validate the user accounts without risking technical loopholes commonly associated with migrating everything all at once.

Structuring the Mapping and Migration Process

If your organization’s Microsoft 365 migration plan involves transferring different types of data from various source clouds, it is critical to structure the mapping and migration process. Similar to most cases, if your IT team needs to move shared as well as unshared data, consider implementing this approach:

  • Mapping and migrating personal/individual files and folders to OneDrive
  • Mapping and migrating shared/team files and folders to SharePoint Online

For a broader approach that is typical of large-scale migrations, consider the following approach:

  • Chat messages migration to Microsoft Teams
  • Email migration to Outlook
  • Source Microsoft 365 tenant migration to destination tenant

Validating User Batches as And When They Are Migrated

Validating the migrated users and data in a single go often raises the risk of oversights, leading to inaccuracies and data losses. To keep such risks at bay, we recommend validating each user batch as and when they are migrated.

Check out our migration reports guide to learn how to make the most out of our tool’s migration reports and ensure proper validation of each user account, file, and folder.

We also recommend going through our CHECK methodology to streamline the entire validation process.

Start Migrating Today

Leverage our one-stop solution to securely migrate to Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and between other leading clouds. Our solutions are ready to tackle migrations of all sizes and complexities!